Plants are the lungs of the earth: they produce the oxygen that makes life possible, add precious moisture, and filter toxins. Houseplants can perform these essential functions in your home or office with the same efficiency as a rainforest in our biosphere.
Of course we can’t all have a rainforest at each of our doorsteps so having green walls or vertical greenery indoors is the next best thing. In fact, 13 linear metres of green wall panels absorb the same amount of dust as an average city tree, about 140g/year!
Plants As Air Filters
Green public infrastructure can actually ‘clean-up’ or reduce pollution. Planting vegetation in urban streets can reduce the amount of Nitrogen Dioxide (NO₂) by up to 40%, and reduce the amount of Particulate Matter (PM) by up to 60%.
During Singapore’s annual haze season, green walls within your home or office, or around your building, will help in trapping contaminants and dust particles, thereby reducing your chances of developing respiratory, eye and skin irritations.
Studies have shown that certain plants can rid a room of harmful Volatile Organic Components (VOCs) such as ammonia, formaldehyde, xylene and benzene. Hundreds of these poisonous chemicals can be released by furniture, carpets, and building material, and then trapped by closed ventilation systems, leading to the host of respiratory and allergic reactions now called Sick Building Syndrome.
Improve Air Quality With These Indoor Plants
Here are some indoor plants that we commonly include in our green wall plant palettes that purify the air around you.


Draecena Reflexa aka ‘Song of India’




NASA places this plant among the top 3 types of houseplants that are great at removing formaldehyde. Its long-bladed leaves also remove carbon monoxide and other toxins and impurities, making it an excellent plant for the kitchen area, where carbon monoxide tends to accumulate.


Flowering Houseplants For Air Purification
NASA studies have found that just one 6-inch plant can help purify and remove harmful gases and toxins per 100 square feet (9.3 square metres) of living space. So imagine what just 1 square metre of green wall can do to improve your living environment! We can easily pack 40 houseplants densely into that one square metre – a natural solution for removing contaminates and carcinogens for your interiors.
Here are some flowering houseplants that can be added to your green wall for a vibrant splash of colour:
Dendrobium & Phalaenopsis Orchids

Spathiphyllum aka ‘Peace Lily’


Talk to Greenology’s team of expert horticulturists and designers to create a gorgeous living work of green wall art. It will literally bring a breath of fresh air into your home or office!